Appendix E – Upgrading to ActPro v12.4 or later
Note that if you are running on, we have done this check for you, and there is nothing you need to do, so you can ignore this chapter. These notes only apply to ISV-hosted Activation Pro.
If you are running Activation Pro v12.3 or earlier, and plan to upgrade to v12.4 or later, your system must have MySQL Native Driver support (mysqlnd). This support is documented to be in PHP v5.3.0 according to this page:, however, our development environment was using v5.3.1 and the support was not present. So you need to be careful before you do this upgrade.
Reprise recommends the following procedure:
Back up your database using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.
Back up your ActPro directory
Do the upgrade.
After the upgrade, view an activation key and attempt to edit it. If editing is successful, then your system has the required support. If not, either upgrade your PHP version or continue to use the older Activation Pro product.